Beziehung und Intimität

Relationship Test / Radically Honest! For Couples and Singles

This questionnaire will give you more clarity about the quality of your relationship. If you are single, reflect on your last relationship.
For the sake of simplicity, the generic masculine P a r t n e r is used in a gender-neutral manner in the questionnaire.

Ready for your relationship test? Connect with your heart and relax. Don't think about the questions for long, answer within 3 seconds.


0 = does not apply at all | 10 = completely applies

( * are mandatory fields )


Even if you don't know them, how do you feel about them?

Have you gained more insight into where you currently stand? Which three points would you like to change first? Can I help you with that? I'm giving you 15 minutes of free speed coaching for your relationship topic.

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